The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)


Scores with a yellow background are above the test threshold values. If your total score is above the threshold it may be worth getting professionally assessed.

  Score AQ-10 score
Test taken by you on 23 January 2014 Show my answers  22.08.0
Threshold values for suspected ASD  32.06.0
The average score for males with ASD (2647 people took this test)  34.47.1
The average score for females with ASD (3318 people took this test)  36.27.5
The average score for males with suspected ASD (32029 people took this test)  32.76.5
The average score for females with suspected ASD (65843 people took this test)  33.56.6
The average score for male neurotypicals (13849 people took this test)  23.14.1
The average score for female neurotypicals (21770 people took this test)  23.34.0